/ Dream Interpretation - Peepirit

Dream Interpretation

Dear Victor,

I dreamt I was with lots of people inside of a tent. Then the people closed the tent and they were all dancing and singing. They were dancing with there feet. I was dancing and singing with them. I was in the middle and one by one they came to dance with me.
In my company was my husband, my daughter  and a young lady with her son. They began apologizing to me, telling me that they are sorry, however their attitude portrayed that nothing meaningful had occurred.  I don't know what they were sorry for , so I just looked at them. I woke from the dream i was thinking hell no!

In my second dream I dreamt about some people telling me to live a guy alone.  He was in love with me in the dream.  The guy kissed me. Then his uncle or father told me to leave him alone. I would  like to know what my dream means?


Dear JB
You will rediscover a lost friendship or lost  love
The second dream foretells that something good is coming to you .
And the latter.is a warning to be are careful of spiteful  gossip.

Dear Victor,
I dreamt a spirit or some kind of dark entity tried to attacked me twice in the kitchen and missed then it grabbed hold of my little brother by his neck and suspended him up in the air.  I don't know where this device appeared from but when we used it we saw it was the spirit of my step brother. I would like to know what my dream means?

Dear Aron

Your dream foretells a bitter quarrel and or disappointment . The characters  in the dream should give you an idea where the trouble will come from .
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