/ COMMENTARY: Dominica Needs a 'Mary Francis' like St. Lucia. - Peepirit

COMMENTARY: Dominica Needs a 'Mary Francis' like St. Lucia.

By Clyde Gregoire

Mary Francis
St. Lucian Human Rights Attorney 
About two months ago I went to a midday mass with a Dominican legal mind at the our Lady of  Immaculate Conception  Roman Catholic Church in the heart of castries. Strangely when I look around, my eyes fell on this slender woman  dressed in a silky black dress with matching black heels. Her head bowed  and seemingly in deep concentration on her knees.  I said to myself how many of us in Dominica is willing to stand up against injustice amongst our fellowmen by persons who should be protecting us? Be it the politician, priest , pastors, police and parents.  The list goes on and on but the five p 's are the pillars of our society, people we look up to for food, shelter, clothing, peace, love, a way of life and a sense of security.

All these seem to be a burden to to the five P's. Who were commissioned by God and the people of the country to serve and direct us. We are seeing politician's greed growing rapidly, our priests and pastors want more penis and vaginas. More than all the whore-houses in the red districts in the world combined. 

Parents have neglected their tasks to their responsibilities.  In some cases drugs and other illicit lifestyles are leading millions of children to be destituted and to fend for themselves, while adopted parents forget their vows and are led astray by dangerous people who are filled with envy and deceit.  Tongues that are filled with lies and hate. 

As for the police they have long lost their principles and instead of being the prevention and cure to our society they are the disease which cause crimes in our society.  I make this plea to one and all in the Commonwealth of Dominica.  Do not be dismayed for there is hope amidst the fast, frightening and fearful our island home is becoming, there will be a Mary Francis coming to Dominica soon and it may well be you. 
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