The Criminal Master-mind has now accepted responsibility for the murder of Fabien Bellot, another fellow Crackhead. Fabien Bellot was beaten to death in an attempted robbery of a toolbox on May 18th, 2017.
Gravity is definitely a criminal genius who has been mistakenly labeled clinically mentally ill for decades. How could he have single handedly pull of these murders? As his case unravels more of his murderous confessions are quickly being extracted. There is certainly an almost invisible line between madness and genius.
Fabien Bellot |
June 26th, 2017|Dominica
The police has finally charged Patrickson 'Gravity' Moses with the Murder of Andy Carbon. Gravity was featured on Marpin's 8:pm news dressed in women's attire. A clear indication of a man who has been castrated of every appendage and dignity that he once possessed. Peepirit will keep you updated with a statement (without pressure or force) from Gravity.
Patrickson 'Gravity' Moses |
Click here to read , Framing Gravity
Click here to help Gravity get Legal Defence
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