/ Another Nigga kicks the bucket - Peepirit

Another Nigga kicks the bucket

Clem Rudette
Coulibistrie, Dominica|August 1st, 2017 seemed like a good day to die.  At least that's what Clement Rudette thought.  He is a man who decided enough was enough.  But what exactly led this man to tie a noose under a mango tree and kick the bucket? Peepirit will definitely uncover the story behind the incident.  Was it a *gwopwell?  Was it financial troubles?  Did he find out that he had a terminal illness?  What ever the problem it's still fucked up.
Clem Rudette hanging from the mango tree after kicking the bucket 

*gwopwell: love sickness which results in out-of-body experiences, eg. Walking in the rain and not acknowledging that's it's raining, hanging yourself, giving out all your money etc
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