/ Baboon Skerrit Says, 'Sit down and Shut Up!' - Peepirit

Baboon Skerrit Says, 'Sit down and Shut Up!'

By Christine Nice

Monkey-trick Letter

There is a letter attached to this page which is email-addressed and has allegedly been sent to Mr Kenneth Rijok but it is a trick. The letter is not directed to Mr Kenneth Rijok.

Kenneth Rijok is not afraid of our courts and our prime minister. We all know the legal avenues to get someone into court. For clarity, I will point it out here. Unless a summons can be placed in the hands of Mr Rijok, then the litigation can not be done in his absence. Therefore this monkey-trick of a letter is not directed to Mr Rijok. It is in the hand of ever Dominican, who will read it and tremble with fear before speaking out against Baboon Skerrit and his gang of vagabonds. It is a threat to journalists on the island, that if they were to say anything negative about the Dominica Labour Party they will be dealt with, victimized and devoured by the lion of a government which preys on Dominica and anyone who squeaks. Baboon Skerrit and his gang are attempting to shut up the public and to control the hand and tongue of the media. 

We are in 2017 Baboon Skerrit.  Is this how you want to control the population by trickery and intimidation?  You are not the Monkey king, and even if you are, you will still be oust.

Attached Monkey-trick Letter:

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