/ Salisbury Road is clear| UWP Distances from Calamity - Peepirit

Salisbury Road is clear| UWP Distances from Calamity

Salisbury, Dominca May 22nd 2017| The Villagers of Salisbury are demonstrating their discontent with the government and the new bill which approves transportation of people in 'facilitating' them to vote.  An old fibreglass boat and derelict vehicle were utilized to block of traffic on one end.
 Logs and trees were utilized at the other end , which aborted the flow of traffic into Portsmouth and Roseau. The coast guard did act.  Policemen were seen coming from a boat in Salisbury and clearing the roads. A protest is scheduled tomorrow at the house of Parliament to express discontent with the new bill, which endorses 'bribery' of votes in the form of plane tickets and 'travelling pocket change'. 

Salisbury is strategically situated on the west coast. This village host the only main road which directly leads to Roseau, the capital city.

 The United Workers Party Administration have distanced themselves from this matter. They have even refused to comment on the calamity.

Road blockage demonstration Salisbury
Photo Credits: Boonz JSF Gregoire

Road blockage demonstration SalisburyPhoto Credits: Boonz JSF Gregoire

Road blockage demonstration SalisburyPhoto Credits: Boonz JSF Gregoire

Road blockage demonstration Salisbury
Photo Credits: Boonz JSF Gregoire
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