/ Clear and present danger - Peepirit

Clear and present danger

By Claudine Williams

While we cannot erase every trace of evil from our Dominican society, our present government has managed to build alliances, as well as develop relationships with major organized crime operations.
They continue to protect these high crime organizations despite the arrest and ongoing prosecutions of many of the key players, with whom they were directly interacting, by governments around the world, including the US, United Kingdom, Italy, France and now Iran in the case of Monfared.

As a concerned citizen, my priority and focus is on the security and welfare of the Dominican people. The Dominica Labour Party (DLP) has placed Dominica in the most vulnerable of positions on the world stage. The threat our country is faced with as a direct result of poor decisions, financial and economic mismanagement, irresponsible and reckless behaviour, and the many flawed character traits of its leaders is now at its highest ever.

The country and its leadership is now surely on the radar of the security and law enforcement agencies of the big world powers at this time for all the wrong reasons. This can only result in negative impacts if the suspicions expressed in relation to the ties of our government with nefarious characters and governments are proven to be true.

The work of stalwarts like Mike and Roosie Douglas, as well as Pierre Charles, E. O. Leblanc, Henkel Christian and others from within the ranks of the Labour Party core, who fought for equality and justice, economic independence, personal development and progress for the common man, has been overshadowed and frankly nullified by the actions of the present regime in the last 14 years!

Would Roosie Douglas and Pierre Charles really be happy with hundreds gathering in line at the government offices waiting for financial handouts every week? Would that sort of scenario represent for them, proud achievements for their government? Or would they be so much prouder with having developed a thriving economy where jobs are abundant and all, from the wealthy to the poorest a of our people could say proudly that they are working and earning their own money, managing therefore to feed and house and clothe their families?

The sad loss of the two powerhouses, Roosie and Pierro, men who were popular and loved, lost in such sudden and unexpected incidents, left a bad taste in the mouths of many, and a lingering suspicion as to what exactly transpired. The slippage of our present leader into that position of power and influence was itself a process that was and still is questioned by many for the 'unconventional' manner in which it was done!!

This appointment of Skeritt was, in the beginning, supported by most. Now we all know that it was the beginning of the downward spiral which we now endure and have endured for the past 14 years. The economic situation which we now face, one which is glossy and glittering for the Labour supporter shouting 'Labour ka twavay' is actually one which they admit has a backbone called CBI; a money tree that they also admit is not secure as its attractiveness to the 'investor' can switch as the saying goes, 'at the drop of a hat' dependant on variable influential factors outside of and uncontrolled by the program.

Since adopting the One China policy in 2007, and signing the Bolivian Alliance for the People of our America (ALBA) treaty, the leader of this government has been suctioned into the world of dark money.

Over the last decade, we've all noticed that, as these relationships strengthened, our economy shrunk and has suffered tremendous losses. Jobs as well as businesses have been lost. Some of them businesses that we have known all our lives as being solid and growing.

It is time that we all stand and begin to fight this corruption which has managed to penetrate our highest levels of government and will filter down through every stratum of society if left unchecked, affecting one and all and devastating our values and culture.

Today, I speak freely informing you that the DLP government is a clear and present danger to the safety and welfare of our beautiful Dominica.

I truly feel that they are a threat to our way of life and are destroying our image, our values, the very essence of our country, our people.

It is time that we stand together to remove the DLP leadership team, politically appointed persons, affiliates and their allies, preventing their efforts and actions which are deemed destructive to our country, Dominica.

Today, it's been brought to my attention that 2,000 out of 10,000 passports, allegedly sold to a Morrocan ambassador, Mohammed Benjilany on January 29, 2016, have made their way to Syria. The fear is that 2,000 of our passports could now be in the hands of terrorists and such groups.

As this threat emerges, as a citizen of Dominica my concern is that these individuals are being issued a legal licence to invade our beautiful island. We will not have the ability to refuse them entry as that will now be their legal entitlement, as they are citizens like we all are.

These terrorists are in search of a Caliphate, an Islamic state to be recognized as a country. We've all witnessed that there's no limit to their terror, bloodshed, and brutality across Europe and African continent.

The reckless actions of DLP leadership have introduced this threat to our country; a threat that we are not equipped to combat.

As good citizens of Dominica we must be vigilant and with urgency, demand the resignation of the DLP prime minister and his entire cabinet of ministers. If left unchecked, these passport holders, terrorists, could pose a growing threat to not only Dominica but to that of our neighbouring islands.

Sons and daughters of Dominica, this is not just the fight of our brothers and sisters in Dominica but this is our fight together as a people. It is our fight to protect our children and our children's children.

Our united power as a people can make a decisive difference; together let's stamp out corruption and roll back the terrorist threat.

We can, we will, we must destroy that cancer called DLP once and for ever in Dominica.

It is time for positive change in our dearly beloved homeland.

If Dominica could talk...

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