/ What killed Sir Derek Walcott? - Peepirit

What killed Sir Derek Walcott?

It is the way a man dies which summarizes how he lived. 
Sir Derek Walcott is being recognized on the news today for his literary achievements, but
who was this man?  How did he treat his students and his family?  Let us look at what is being kept from us, how did Sir DW die? Ah yes, from a long standing illness.  Did his liver give up from the cocktail of drugs?  87 is a ripe old age.  He must have been very tired. 

Born a left side of an unmentioned twin, he learnt poetry from his mother.  Who was a school teacher.  He studied painting and he traveled.  He traveled almost all of the time, he was never home, so his first wife divorced him after 2 years of being married to an absent husband.  Newyork, Boston, Chicago, Tennessee, doing what and most importantly, with whom, then as a reluctant after-thought, St. Lucia. His second wife was more tolerant and stayed with the absent husband for most of her married life, till the children was old enough to handle the inevitable formalities of enstrangement in a marriage.  The third wife recognized the habit of a man who loved the respectable title of marriage, but the freedom of not being home.  She was confident and mature enough to end the title-ship promptly.
There was always endless white women around him like flies, that's is what troubled one of his lovers, Sigrid Nama, "I was worried about our relationship.  There are many women around. Speaking generally, West Indian men like to hop from flower to flower." 
So, how did Sir DW die?  Ah yes,  It is how a man dies which determines how he lived. 

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